
Thursday, February 23, 2006


I went to Hong Kong recently. As usual, I took some photos. There's an emphasis on "some," since I didn't take that many images. I only managed to whip out my camera one night while strolling along Kimberly road and one afternoon while traipsing all over Disneyland.

There are some of Carlo looking lost (naturally). There's one of Jack "Woody" Twist's mascot, and also one of a scary looking dude.

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*Click on an image to see its enlarged version.


  • and the "nuts" part is pertaining to who?

    my favorite shot is the one where the subject (trying to be objective here) is standing in front of what seems to be a neon sign. the image is unified, many thanks to the color of his collar. it's a nice portrait. the picture with the donald poster is a fun picture. and the subject looks good there.

    By Blogger carl, at 11:10 PM  

  • Yeah, the whole third row is actually filled with fun pics that are not necessarily visually sound. My fave is definitely the first one because it's understated but focused. The last one also cracks me up kasi pang movie poster yung dating niya! And I'm glad you liked them.

    By Blogger HANS V., at 11:13 PM  

  • and yes, the third picture really is scary. its not just scary, it's creepy and spooky. i hope you didn't offend the gods by takin that photo.

    By Blogger carl, at 11:18 PM  

  • Yes, natakot talaga ako when I took that pic! Kasi naman nasa altar siya pero mukha naman siyang d___l. Hopefully, i didn't or (looking to the future) don't offend anyone, especially those who can smite me. But, yeah, it's definitely a good photo.

    By Blogger HANS V., at 11:19 PM  

  • Favorite ko yung first 1! galing! :D

    By Blogger Louis, at 11:34 PM  

  • Cool! Great minds nga...

    By Blogger HANS V., at 11:51 PM  

  • Dude, nice pics. Still can't believe you won the contest!!! Nice one, friend. :)

    By Blogger CS, at 12:13 PM  

  • yeah, camille, i still can't believe i went to hong kong for free!!

    and cathy, what's with the "pole" fetish?

    By Blogger HANS V., at 1:21 PM  

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