
Thursday, April 13, 2006


I'm in Baguio, the summer capital of the Philippines.

The thing is, it's actually not that cold here, and there's a serious lack of photo-worthy sights in this overrated tourist spot.

Fortunately, as I've been faced with this dilemma before, I came prepared and brought my macro lens with me. If there's nothing big worth focusing on, maybe there's something in the little things, I figured. I was right, and here's proof of that.

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*Click on an image to see its enlarged version.


  • I have the weirdest fear... FLOWERS.

    But I enjoyed viewing your "tiny treasures".

    take care in Baguio. See you in MAY, haha! :p

    By Blogger ~LALA, at 4:27 PM  

  • Hahaha! Nakakatawa naman yung fear mo! (Okay, is it totally inappropriate to laugh about another person's fears?) Ako, I must admit, I sorta freaked out while photographing the butterflies in an enclosed space. And when I zoomed in on them in my computer, I swear they looked evil.

    Anyway, im glad you liked the pics despite the fear. And take care also in whatever adventure you have lined up for holy week.

    By Blogger HANS V., at 1:50 AM  

  • I know! It's the weirdest fear ever and I don't mind people laughing at it. haha! I agree with your comment abt the butterfly as well.

    By Blogger ~LALA, at 12:44 PM  

  • Hey man, these are really amazing shots! Makes me wanna go out and shoot more macro! Cool!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:33 PM  

  • Thanks, Kris! I appreciate it. Your site looks really good too.

    By Blogger HANS V., at 12:46 AM  

  • Thanks, dico. Sige, you should return more often. I'm getting into the habit of actually updating this blog more.

    (To the rest of you, I know the spelling of "dico" is technically wrong. But since I'm the only one who calls my brother by that name, I say that it can work like a proper name and become acceptable as such.)

    By Blogger HANS V., at 1:46 PM  

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