
Thursday, May 04, 2006


For this second to the last leg of Carlo's Subic pictures, we took photos in our dingy hotel room. Glen and Ag were busy scrubbing each other's feet, so Carlo and I decided to have an Asian cinema-inspired shoot. Only available light and a light filter were used to create the "old photo" and grain-y feel in these images.

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*Click on an image to see its enlarged version.


  • Great set of pictures! The first one with the flag is very cool! How did you do that? Also the second one is really excellent: the focused light and the perspective is really good!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:45 PM  

  • Thanks Kris! I'm glad you liked them. For the first one, I used the multiple exposure function in my nikon d200. i shot a flag, then carlo.

    btw, I've moved to http://regalshocker.blogspot.com Visit that for more updates!

    By Blogger HANS V., at 2:20 AM  

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    Alisha Wright

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:13 PM  

  • An interesting photo blog and an interesting title too! Great pictures too.

    By Anonymous retouque fotografico, at 4:41 AM  

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